Enamelling Equipment Bargains For Sale
Until we retired, some years ago, my wife Avril used to design, and make enamel jewellery. This was sold at high quality craft fairs, such as those held at Alexandra Palace, Woburn Abbey, and Sandringham, where she traded under the name of Enamelwise
For various reasons, after we moved to Somerset, she closed her enamelling business, and her equipment was put into storage. Because of her current problems with arthritis in her hands, there is now no possibility that she can use the equipment again, so we have decided to sell it.
Hopefully, potential buyers will find the prices we are suggesting mean that, although second-hand, they will be getting real bargains for anything that they purchase.
UPDATE 02/08/24
As all of the enamels and some other items have been sold, I've removed the 'buy the lot' offer. Instead, to help sell the remaining kiln, I've now added 'or reasonable offer' to its price to try to make it an even more attractive bargain and stop it cluttering up my workshop!
01278 455 611 077 599 41524